When you have a mix of pensions from different past occupations.

You have reached age 47, and have worked for years in say the printing and packaging trade, for a handful of different companies. You suddenly realise that even with your ambition to keep working until you are 70, you are over half way through your working life … (more)
When you start to think about your legacy wishes.

The Financial Services sector has always had a strong marketing message around Inheritance Tax (IHT) Planning. Advisers in particular see this as one of the key areas of interest for families, across the UK but especially in the South and South-East. … (more)
If you are subject to a divorce.

Naturally the first professional adviser you may turn to in a divorce is a lawyer.
However, there are aspects to divorce proceedings which may require other advisers, especially one who can provide specialist financial advice. … (more)
As a director of a Company.

The notion most people have about financial advice is that it is something that is personal. In the sense that it is personal financial advice or financial planning.
However, there is a very strong case to think that businesses also need financial advice and taking this one step further that anyone in business should combine the personal and business financial advice required. … (more)
If you are close to the lifetime allowance for pension savings.

Accessing a trust solution.

When you are thinking about when to pay off your mortgage.

If you need to release equity from your property

Why are you looking to release equity out of your property?
Why? That is the question, the most important one. Not how? Or how much? Or any of the technical aspects but the ‘why?’
The reason is that too many people see the adverts from the Equity Release people and think how nice it would be to have some extra funds or to free up that stored up value in their property and proceed to enquire about Equity Release. … (more)
If you want to take out life assurance.

You have decided you want life assurance. Or you have life assurance but want to review it or upgrade the amount of cover. The best thing to do is to go online and shop around, like you might do for your car insurance, right? … (more)
If you want to work out how much you need to retire.

Retirement planning is complex and, more than anything else, unpredictable, it is highly circumstantial and subject to an array of forces. … (more)
When you want to map out your lifetime income.

The mapping of income and expenditure from where you are today to a distant point may seem a worthless act, yet the exercise remains valid for virtually anyone regardless of their starting point. …(more)
Making Gifts.

With the Bank of Mum and Dad now one of the biggest providers of finance in the UK, the subject of gifting or giving money away has never been more prominent. … (more)