Markland Hill Wealth establishes a company Culture Charter
Almost 12 months on from the staff at Smith, Law & Shepherds IFA Ltd. joining Markland Hill Wealth, the Directors wanted to work with its people to establish a set of core values.
However, they didn’t want to impose this, they wanted the staff to determine what kind of company they wanted to work in and set out their culture.
They approached Rachael Flynn and Cieran Culligan who agreed to become Culture Ambassadors to explain the vision, survey every member of the organisation against these objectives.
Objectives: The Five What’s?
- What have we been up to?
- What have we found?
- What are we doing well?
- What can we do better?
- What can we do to give our team peace of mind in the workplace?
The engagement was incredible, and some plans have already been put in place as a result.
One fantastic piece of work was to establish a company Culture Charter which is outlined below.
Culture charter
At Markland Hill Wealth our goal is to create a culture which encourages the key principles that our company wants to be known for.
M : Motivation
H : Honesty
W : Wellbeing
They can be broken down further, as follows..

Being motivational is about being intentional in the way that we interact with colleagues and clients. Our goal is for everyone to be intentional in the way that we:

- Focus on being successful individually and as a team, planning our business and positively contributing to the overall firm’s growth.
- Are kind and courteous to each other, even when we disagree on things.
- Treat clients as we are here to help them set their goals and journey with them over the long term.


Being honest is about taking a proactive approach to managing our workload and the tasks we undertake as part of our role. Our goal is for everybody to be honest and act with integrity when:
- Faced with tasks we are unsure about or feel underconfident at completing.
- Further training is needed to be the best that we can be.
- We have capacity to take on more and help out other members of the team including the collective goals of the company.


Being healthy in mind, body and soul is about looking after yourself to enable you to be the best you can be. Our goal is for everyone to:
- Feel a part of a team which has your health and wellbeing at the centre of its culture.
- Speak up when support is needed and not be afraid of alerting others to challenges outside of work which may affect health.
- Treat others with respect and integrity, working towards making the workplace a great place to be for everyone..

Markland Hill Wealth’s Commitment to Culture

The board of directors commit to the following actions in a bid to embed this culture into the firm and collectively reach our culture goals:
- Establish a learning Culture
- Build into appraisals
- Assess culture at directors’ meetings twice a year
- Annual recap presentation about MHW Culture to whole team
- Appoint a Wellbeing Champion
One of the first initiatives was to hold a company conference to launch this and for Rachael and Cieran to give feedback on implementation plans for the areas people had raised.
The conference closed with the Directors announcing that they had secured tickets to The Ultimate Wellbeing Experience hosted by It’s Mental and that every member of staff was welcome to attend if they wished at no expense.
We’ll let you know how they got on in a future bulletin.